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Did you know that there is more than one type of oat?

Steel Cut, Rolled, Instant, Quick - What are the differences between them? And why might you want one over the other? Don't fret, we have you covered with this super simple guide on the different types of oats out there & why you might want to choose one over another.

-Whole Oat Groats: the oat grain in its most intact form. The hull has been removed, but every other element is still there. Takes the longest to cook (30-40 mins). The texture is similar to rice or barley. Great for savoury dishes.

- Steel Cut Oats*: produced by chopping the whole oat groat into 2-4 pieces with a steel blade. Usually takes around 20-30 minutes to cook. Gives a chewy texture. Best used for overnight oats, granola & stovetop oatmeal.

- Rolled / Old-Fashioned Oats*: most popular & versatile oat. Made by steaming the oat groat and then rolling between steel rollers. Typically takes 5-10 minutes to cook. Great for overnight oats, baked goods, stovetop oatmeal, granola, energy bites & more!

- Quick Oats*: variation of rolled oats. Steamed, but often rolled thinner & chopped smaller. Cook in 1-3 minutes in the microwave or in boiling water. Great for things like pancakes, baked goods, granola, oatmeal & more (can be used like rolled oats).

- Instant Oats: most processed version of rolled oats. After steaming & rolling, they are pre-cooked, dried & chopped again.
Only need to be soaked in hot water for a minute before they are ready. Have a mushier texture than rolled oats.

- Oat Bran*: a byproduct of oat manufacturing. It is the outer layer of the oat groat. Can be used in cereal, porridge, or baked goods as a way to increase fibre. Use sparingly for a health boost!

- Oat Flour* - Finely ground-rolled oats. Often used in baked goods, or to thicken products. Fun fact: baby oat cereal is often oat flour!

(* = available at Great Lakes Refill Co. )

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